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The clue is in the picture. any ideas? Message from Mrs Miller. The blogspot specifically created by myself, Mrs Miller, for you. This blog will enable you to check out any lessons you may have missed, or recap for revision. If you complete any additional work I am more than happy to mark it and run through it with you! Keep up the good work! Wednesday, 18 October 2017.
English in the Right Direction. For more information on Avenue English. A New English School based in Sandton, offering General and Business English communication skills. Watch this space for updated information.
Por lo que vamos a trabajar las siguientes actividades. Repasamos los adjetivos comparativos y superlativos. DIPTONGOS, TRIPTONGOS E HIATOS. Resuelve tus dudas sobre los diptongos, triptongos e hiatos. Seguimos repasando para el examen con más actividades de posesivos.
The thoughts of a university English Club. edu if you plan on coming. Proofing Is A Dieing Art. I wish I knew where this all originally was posted, but this just floated across my inbox in email fashion. Enjoy these funny and poorly edited news clippings. Happy Spring Break! I realized today tho.
The Days Of The Week Song. On June 1, 2012. Para ofrecer sugerencias en las que se incluye el hablante. Se escribe el verbo en infinitivo. On May 31, 2012. La construcción USED TO se usa para expresar algo que solía ocurrir en el pasado pero que ya no ocurre.